GE OEC 9800 C-Arm Rental
Since the 1970s OEC C-Arm systems have been the industry standard and the GE OEC 9800 is no different.
The GE OEC 9800 C-Arm system builds off the popular GE OEC 9600, and improves it by offering an increased resolution (1,000 x 1,000 pixel resolution vs the 9600’s 512 x 512), touch-screen controls, additional configurations (PMCare, Neuro-Vascular, and Cardiac packages), additional physical options such as MD Models (motorized movements), and increased storage options (additional image storage on disk as well as built-in DICOM). The c-arm was manufactured from 2000 to 2005 with the 9800 Plus models being manufactured from 2003-2005.
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